Monday, December 31, 2007

Hole in the Heart

Hole in the Heart
I've been seeing a lot of topics about the power of prayer, etc. lately and how everyone seems to want documented proof, etc. I had a specific question I wanted to ask, so I won't derail any other threads.There was a 17 year old guy that goes to my church that this year developed a hole in the heart. Now from what I understand, this is a very serious and debilitating condition. He was hospitalised for a while. Our church/youth group was told of this, and naturally we were asked to pray. Perhaps because this young guy is known by most of the youth, and is the little brother of a girl most of us a good mates with, the youth group decided to take on more sacrificial aspects of prayer. Things such as praying in a large group constantly for a long period of time, fasting, etc.Well, a few weeks later this young guy was rechecked, and the hole had completely vanished. Now I don't know much about this condition, but from what I know it doesn't tend to just fix itself.Now my question; although not documented or verified by anyone else but myself, is a hole in the heart a condition that can just fix itself?
Intriguing. What has the hospital he was admitted to have to say? I'll have to check into that one.If they substantiate that he was cured by prayers, wouldn't it be something like proof that prayers can substitute medical treatment? *shrug* That's kinda what I'm asking.
Well all the hospital could "substantiate" is that, there was a hole...and now their isn't.I myself was healed by a paradigm shift(which included a new way of "praying")when nothing the medical profession,or the health food/alternative industryoffered,did me any good.So shall we say that everyone should seek a paradigm shiftinstead of medical treatment?hmmmm.

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